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Mastering Paddle Tennis: Rules, Etiquette, and Strategies

In paddle tennis, start by always putting your hand through the paddle's safety loop. Serve diagonally and ensure the ball bounces before hitting the glass.

During play, avoid hitting your own fence. Show respect by adhering to serving guidelines and staying on your side until the set ends. Resolve disputes fairly using the 'electri' rule.

For winning strategies, master your positioning and anticipate your opponent's moves. Utilise lobs to push opponents back, and aim for their weaker side with varied serves. Mastering these elements brings you closer to excelling at paddle tennis.

Keep learning the nuances to sharpen your skills.

Paddle Tennis Rules

When playing paddle tennis, you must always put your hand through the paddle's safety loop to ensure compliance with game rules and prevent accidents.

Remember, the ball has to bounce before hitting the glass walls. If the ball hits the 'Nick' and bounces up, it's in; if it bounces down, it's out.

Unsure about a call? Play a let. Serve diagonally, like in tennis, and avoid hitting the fence directly. You're allowed two serves.

If the ball touches your glass before crossing to the other side, it's fine, but hitting your own fence is a fault. During points, hitting the ball against your own glass is allowed.

Always encourage fair play and follow these rules for a smooth game.

Court Etiquette

Respecting the game's rules and maintaining fair play are fundamental aspects of proper court etiquette in paddle tennis. Always adhere to serving guidelines, ensuring you serve into the diagonal box and avoid hitting the fence.

Consistently stay on your designated side during a set, and switch sides only when the set concludes. If you're unsure about a call, play an 'electri' to resolve disputes fairly.

Remember to put your hand through the paddle loop for safety, and make sure the ball bounces before hitting the glass. These practices show respect for your opponents and the game itself.

Winning Strategies

Mastering court etiquette lays the foundation, but employing winning strategies will elevate your paddle tennis game to the next level.

Focus on positioning; always stay alert and anticipate your opponent's moves. Use the lob to push opponents back, creating opportunities for smashes.

Master the drop shot to catch your opponents off guard. Communicate with your partner to cover the court effectively and avoid confusion.

Consistently target your opponents' weaker side to exploit their vulnerabilities. Practise serves and returns to make them unpredictable, mixing up spins and speeds.

Ultimately, keep calm under pressure; a composed mindset can turn the tide in tight matches. By integrating these strategies, you'll gain a competitive edge and improve your overall game.


You've now got the essential rules, etiquette, and strategies to elevate your paddle tennis game.

By respecting the court and your opponents, you'll guarantee a fair and enjoyable match.

Remember, precision and control are key, especially with your serves.

Keep practising, stay focused, and always play with integrity.

With these tips, you're well on your way to becoming a paddle tennis pro.

Now, go out there and dominate the court!

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Phil Handley
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