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Master the Art of Bandeja and Vibora

To master the art of the Bandeja and Vibora in padel, focus on their distinct purposes and techniques.

For the Bandeja, start with your racket up, contact the ball using your chest, and brush down to place it deep into the corner. This shot buys you time and sets up future plays.

The Vibora requires speed and spin, starting with your racket behind your head and creating side spin through upper body rotation—perfect for pressuring opponents.

Dedicate practice time to hone these techniques, beginning with partner feeds or solo drills.

Explore further techniques and practice tips for a thorough skill boost.

Purpose of Bandeja and Vibora

The purpose of the Bandeja and Vibora shots in padel is to strategically control the flow of the game, each serving distinct roles to keep your opponents on their toes.

With the Bandeja, you're aiming to slow the pace and place the ball deep into the corner, forcing your opponents into awkward, defensive positions. This shot buys you time and sets up future plays.

On the other hand, the Vibora is all about aggression. It's a faster, spin-heavy shot designed to put immediate pressure on your opponents.

Bandeja Technique

Starting from a ready position with your racket up is essential for executing a successful Bandeja. As the ball approaches, make contact using your chest, not just your arm.

Brush down on the ball to keep it low and controlled. Aim to hit cross-court or down the middle, which buys you time and forces your opponents into challenging positions.

This shot is particularly effective against deep lobs or when hitting off both glass walls. By mastering this technique, you'll maintain a defensive edge, ensuring your opponents can't easily attack.

Vibora Technique

With Vibora, you'll generate spin and speed by rotating your upper body and coming around the ball.

Start from the ready position with your racket behind your head.

As you approach the ball, focus on creating side spin and slice by brushing around it. This spin makes it challenging for your opponents to defend.

Use a faster racket-head speed to deliver an aggressive shot that puts immediate pressure on your opponents.

The Vibora is best executed on easy balls, allowing you to capitalize on a weak return.

Practice Tips

To master both the Bandeja and Vibora, you'll need dedicated practice focusing on the nuances of each technique. Begin by having a partner feed you balls or practice solo.

For the Bandeja, keep your racket high and brush down the ball with control, aiming for deep lobs or cross-court placements. Make sure you're clear and intentional with your shots.

When practising the Vibora, start with the racket behind your head, rotate your upper body, and slice the ball to generate spin and speed. Show a distinct difference between the techniques: controlled and defensive for the Bandeja, aggressive and spin-heavy for the Vibora.

Consistent practice will help you choose and execute the perfect shot during a match.

Learning Resources

If you want to refine your Bandeja and Vibora techniques, check out the overheads course available on thepadelschool.com.

This course offers thorough lessons on various padel smashes, including in-depth explanations for both the Bandeja and Vibora. You'll find detailed breakdowns of each technique, helping you understand the nuances of shot execution.

The course is structured to enhance your skills progressively, ensuring you grasp the key differences and applications of each shot. Plus, you can revisit the lessons anytime, making it a flexible learning resource.

Don't miss the comments section where the link is provided. Investing in this course will surely elevate your game and make your smashes more effective and strategic.


Now that you know the ins and outs of the Bandeja and Vibora, it's time to hit the court and put these techniques into action.

With practice, you'll seamlessly blend defensive and aggressive shots, keeping your opponents on their toes.

Don't forget to balance control and power, and always stay adaptable.

Mastering these shots will make you a formidable player, ready to dominate any match.

So grab your racquet and start perfecting your game today!

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Phil Handley
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